What To Put On A Skills Tape

In General:
5-7 minutes long
VHS, DVD or computer disc
Introduce yourself at the beginning

1) Hitting
10-15 cuts shown preferably from a side view off of a tee
If possible, hit with someone front tossing to you (It doesn’t have to be off of a live pitcher, just someone tossing from 20 feet or so)
5-10 bunts (show sacrifices and bunt for a hit if you can)
5-10 slaps if you are a slapper

2) Fielding
Take grounders that show your range and also show your arm strength and accuracy when throwing to a base. Middle infielders should turn a few double plays and corners should field some bunts. Also, show yourself catching some pop-ups over your shoulder.
Take some fly balls to each side, over your head, and straight in front.
Also, take grounders where you run through and grounders where you go to a knee. Make some throws to the plate and be sure to show your range.
Show about 5 of each of your pitches. Show from side and straight
on so as to see ball movement. Tell the camera which pitch you are throwing. Also, show yourself fielding grounders and bunts.
Show framing, blocking and throw downs. Also show yourself
fielding bunts/grounders.

3) Baserunning
Run from Home to 1st base 2 or 3 times and Home to Home 2 or 3 times
Also, show yourself sliding (straight slides, pop-up slides, hook slides, whatever you can do).

*If you can dive, DIVE


*What can you do well that sets
you apart from other players?