Intramural Sports
Saint Mary's College, Angela Athletic Facility, Notre Dame, IN 46556
IM Director: Jenn Henley
Phone: (574) 284-4907& e-mail:

Policies and Procedures

  • All female students registered at Saint Mary's College, as well as faculty and staff, shall be eligible to compete in all phases of the Intramural Program
  • All students registered at the University of Notre Dame shall be eligible to participate in all Intramural activities unless activity is designated as part of the Saint Mary's All-Sport Residence Hall Intramural Championship event
  • In women only sports, teams must present and have ready to play a roster of 50% or more Saint Mary's students.  In coed sports, teams must present and have ready to play a roster with 50% of their female players from Saint Mary's
  • In hall competition events, more than 50% of one's team roster must be from the same Residence Hall - Le Mans, McCandless, Regina, Holy Cross or Annunciata.  There will be a designated Off-campus 'hall' team, however off-campus students may play on a residence hall team making up no more than half the roster and vice versa
  • Each intramural team shall be allowed one Saint Mary's College varsity athlete in a related sport on their roster
  • Members of the University of Notre Dame varsity teams are ineligible to compete in a related sport
  • Each intramural team shall be allowed two (2) Saint Mary's/Notre Dame club members in a related sport on their roster
  • A player may compete for one (1) team only of that same sport/event.  A player may play on a team for more than one sport/event
  • All players must be listed on and have signed the team roster with waiver to be eligible to compete
  • No roster changes may be made after the playoffs begin
  • Any player who competes for more than one team or uses a false name to compete shall be suspended from participation for the remainder of the season.  In addition, the teams s/he competed for risk forfeiture of their games
  • All players are expected to dress accordingly to the Angela Athletic Facility dress code and wear appropriate shoes for the gym surfaces
  • Team sport entries are due by the registration deadline, and accepted by placement in the IM Registration box at the IM office or by bringing the registration form to the Captain's meeting, provided the meeting is scheduled before the deadline
  • One representative from each team must be present at the Captain's meeting
  • Schedules for all activities, games, or events will be posted in Angela one or two days following the entry deadline or Captain's/registration meeting (whichever is later).  The schedules may also be e-mailed to the captains, found on the Athletic web page under Intramurals, and/or placed in the vertical file outside the IM office
  • Game information will not be given out over the phone - TEAMS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CHECKING THEIR SCHEDULE
  • Nearly ALL intramural contests are self-officiated.  All calls regarding illegal or unfair plays or movements must be called out at the time of the violation so both teams may hear and the game can stop.  In these instances, any discrepancies must be solved by the teams involved.  All rule interpretation questions should be directed to the Intramural game worker/supervisor
  • For any sport/contest involving officials, there will be no protests for an official's judgment. A protest involving a rule interpretation must be made at the time of the incident.  At that time the officials shall confer with the supervisor and the situation clarified.  The supervisor's decision is final
  • The Department of Athletics & Recreation strives to provide the best possible Intramural program to the college community.  When a team fails to appear for a competition, it deprives their opponent of the chance to participate in addition to taking the facilities away from other users
  • If a team fails to provide the minimum number of players at "game time," that team shall forfeit.  Any team which forfeits two (2) scheduled contests will be dropped from any further competition in that sport.  Team members that played for that team may not transfer to another team
  • If any team knows in advance they cannot make a scheduled contest, they must call - by noon of the contest day - the Intramural Director (x4909), or the Angela Athletic Facility (x5548) front desk worker if the Director is not available, and provide their conflict information.  Games defaulted by noon will be either rescheduled or counted as a loss but will not be considered a forfeit
  • Teams may attempt to reschedule a contest they are unable to play due to unusual circumstances.  Before any arrangements are made the team must check with the Intramural Director (x4909) to see when facilities, officials or supervisors are available.  Both teams must agree to reschedule or the game shall be recorded as a forfeit.  ALL rescheduling arrangements must be made prior to the time of the scheduled contest
  • In the event of inclement weather, teams are responsible for checking the status of their game.  A decision will be made one hour prior to the first scheduled game for that day.  In some cases a mass e-mail will be sent to all the captains, but do not count on this method to be utilized each and every time
  • When possible, all cancelled games will be rescheduled.  Rescheduled games may not be changed.  If a team cannot make the game at the time it is rescheduled for, they must take a loss
  • The number of teams that advance to the playoffs will be determined once the number of entries is known.  In most cases it will be the top half of the teams that will advance.  This information will be made available near the end of the season
  • If there is a tie after the regular season has been completed, the tie will be broken in the following manner:
    1. Head to head competition - if the teams tied or split, then...
    2. Point differential between the teams involved - if still tied, then...
    3. Point differential for the whole season using games actually played (forfeits/defaults excluded)
    4. Note: in figuring final standings, a tie is better than a loss, and a forfeit is worse than a loss
  • It is the desire of the Department of Athletics & Recreation that all participants display good sportsmanship at all times
  • Any player ejected from a contest for any reason shall be suspended for a minimum of one (1) game.  S/he must meet with the Intramural Director before they may again participate
  • Fighting will not be tolerated in any form.  Any players or teams involved in any such incidents must meet with the Intramural Director as well as the Assistant Athletic Director before their next scheduled contest
  • Any individual, team, or team's fans criticizing, obstructing, ridiculing, or attempting to demean an official, game supervisor, or other player shall be liable to expulsion from the facility and from the program.  In addition, an official, supervisor, the Intramural Director, or any athletic department Director may, at any time, default a game
  • Participation in all recreational sports programs including Intramural Sport activities are on a voluntary basis.  Saint Mary's College shall not be liable for any injuries, damages, or other such losses which individuals may incur while participating in any recreational sports programs.  Individuals assume all risk of injuries, damages, or other such losses while using any equipment or facilities at Saint Mary's College, or while participating in any program or activity at Saint Mary's College or the Saint Mary's College premises
  • Participants waive any and all claims against Saint Mary's College, its trustees, officers, agents and employees for such injuries, damages, or other losses
  • ALL injuries must be reported to the supervisor and an injury report completed.  First aid for minor injuries is available at each activity/event site

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