List of in-class activities from Math 115-116 2005-2006

Charles Peltier
Saint Mary's College
Notre Dame, IN 46556


MATH 115 ACTIVITY 1: Establishing the teams and beginning the semester

MATH 115 ACTIVITY 2: Functions and their properties

MATH 115 ACTIVITY 3: Graphs of rational functions

MATH 115 ACTIVITY 4: Making periodic functions behave

MATH 115 ACTIVITY 5: Rate of change: Introduction, average and exact (instantaneous) rate of change

MATH 115 ACTIVITY 6: Use of derivative rules (including the chain rule) with algebraic functions

MATH 115 ACTIVITY 7: Combining all Our Derivative Shortcuts

MATH 115 ACTIVITY 8: Describing and sketching graphs

MATH 115 ACTIVITY 9: Applications of Max/Min values of functions


MATH 116 ACTIVITY 1: Review of derivative and antiderivative concepts and techniques

MATH 116 ACTIVITY 2: The Definite integral - set up and calculation

MATH 116 ACTIVITY 3: More powerful approximation of an integral with subdivision and a sum

MATH 116 ACTIVITY 4: Basic Ideas of Differential Equations

MATH 116 ACTIVITY 5: Basic growth models (differential equations) and the logistic equation

MATH 116 ACTIVITY 6: Understanding Relationships between variables - scatterplots and correlation

MATH 116 ACTIVITY 7: Using the probability rules; Conditional Probability, Tree diagrams

MATH 116 ACTIVITY 8: The binomial and near-binomial probability situation [table, parameters, use]

MATH 116 ACTIVITY 9: Estimating a mean using the t-distributions (using only sample data)

MATH 116 ACTIVITY 10: Hypothesis testing on the mean: setup, calculation, conclusion


created 5/17/06