Faculty Profiles

Amy Cavender
PhD, University of Notre Dame
MA, University of Notre Dame
BA, Gustavus Adolphus College
Research Interests
- Digital Humanities
- Political Implications of the Digital
- Religious Pluralism and Politics
- Liberalism and Religion
- Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue
Courses Recently Taught
- POSC 151W: Political issues
- POSC 204: Political thought
- POSC 301: The quest for human rights
- POSC 341: Politics and religion
Professional Experience
- Non-degree student, MA program in Digital Humanities, August 2012-May 2013.
- Queen of Apostles Philosophy Centre Jinja, Jinja, Uganda. Visiting Lecturer in Social Science and Philosophy. January 2003 — May 2004.
- Campus Minister, Holy Cross Lake View Senior Secondary School, Wanyange, Jinja, Uganda. Co-directed the religious education program, coordinated readers for Sunday liturgies, and edited the Campus Ministry newsletter. November 2002 — December 2003.
- Mathematics teacher, Holy Cross Lake View Senior Secondary School, Wanyange, Jinja, Uganda. February — May 2003.
- Intern, Jubilee USA Network, Washington, D.C. Researched the impact of World Bank and IMF policies on developing countries. January — February 2002.
Creative and Scholarly Work
- “Cultivating the Common Good.” Paper presented at the 10th annual fall Conference of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture (“The Summons of Freedom”), Notre Dame, IN, November 12-14, 2009.
- “Lessons of the Joint Declaration for the Conduct of Public Political Dialogue.” Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 2-5, 2009.
- “Dialogue Across Traditions: Lessons from ECT and the Joint Declaration.” Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 3-6, 2008.
- Blogs at ProfHacker, a group blog on teaching, tech, and productivity hosted at the Chronicle of Higher Education
Professional Memberships
American Political Science Association
Association for Computers and the Humanities
Christians in Political Science