Invest in Saint Mary's

You Make a Difference

You already know Saint Mary’s is committed to educating the whole person. Body, mind, and spirit. But this process doesn’t just happen. That’s where you come in.

Your gift, no matter the size, tells us you support our mission. It’s a vote of confidence in our students, faculty, leadership, and programs. It supports the next generation of women who will make a difference in their communities and in the world. Educators, doctors, and artists. Scholars, inventors, and entrepreneurs. Equipped with knowledge and confidence, ready to be leaders. All thanks to you.

Make a Gift Today

You give our students:

  • an excellent education tailored specifically for women
  • opportunities to become leaders
  • membership in the vibrant Saint Mary’s community
  • access to a spiritually rich environment
  • connections to the global community

What happens when you make a gift to the Saint Mary’s Fund? You make an immediate impact. Students receive scholarships. Faculty members have the tools they need to teach exceptional students. Academic programs gain strength. Facilities are updated. Saint Mary’s gets stronger. 

Frequently Asked Questions:


For more information, contact the Development Office:
Saint Mary's College Development Office
110 Le Mans Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5001
(800) 762-8871