Annual Campus Safety Report

Information on Campus Safety

This publication describes the policies and programs the College has developed to foster a safe and secure environment conducive to the pursuit of education and personal growth. Please review this information carefully. If you have any questions concerning safety, contact the Campus Safety Department at 574-284-5000.


Access to Facilities and Residence Halls

Saint Mary’s College provides on-campus housing for approximately 1,300 students. The Director of Residence Life and Community Standards coordinates the residence life and community standards department. Staff includes residence hall directors, resident advisors, and student desk workers. The staff of full-time employees and student workers supports the safety and security programs in residence halls. A card access system restricts access to the private living areas of campus residents. In addition, campus safety officers make checks of all residence halls and administrative and academic facilities. Each year during staff orientation, all residence life staff are provided with appropriate instructions and training concerning safety, security, policies and procedures. This includes training of the resident assistants by the coordinator of Belles Against Violence and the Title IX Coordinator.

Additional information concerning residence life policies and procedure is available online or from the Director of Residence Life and Community Standards.

Environmental and lighting concerns are monitored continually by the safety department staff. Building services and maintenance department staff provide all services dealing with safety and security hazards that are structural or mechanical in nature.


Crime/Emergency Reporting Procedure

To report a crime in progress or a medical emergency dial 9-1-1 from any campus phone or if outside you may use a campus (blue light) phone, by simply pushing the emergency button or dialing 9-1-1 to ring directly in to the 911 center. For non-emergencies dial 574-284-5000 to contact Campus Safety.

Emergency telephones, signified by blue lights, are available at various locations on campus. These phones are equipped with a 911 emergency button along with a keypad to dial non-emergency numbers (most locations). If calling from another source (cell phone or non campus phone) dial 574-284-5000.

The Campus Safety Department encourages students, faculty staff and guests to report all criminal/suspicious activity to the department immediately at 574-284-5000. An officer will be dispatched to your location to investigate, take a report and to follow up on the incident. All Clery reportable crimes are counted in the campus Annual Safety report. You may report crimes or suspicious activity anonymously online by following the highlighted link or on the home page at If an incident occurs off campus, a report will need to be filed with the appropriate law enforcement agency having jurisdiction. The Saint Mary’s College Campus Safety Department can assist you in notifying the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction.


Campus Safety

The Campus Safety Department under the administration of the Vice President for Student Enrollment and Engagement, is responsible for campus safety on the Saint Mary’s campus. The department, by Indiana Law and the Board of Trustees action may employ sworn safety officers, but normally relies on state and local agencies for police services. The department employs Safety officers that provide services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The department has a collaborative working relationship with the Saint Joseph County Police (primary police responder), the Indiana State, South Bend, Roseland, Mishawaka and the University of Notre Dame Police Departments, which are called upon occasionally to aid the College with investigations on reported crimes.

Local law enforcement:

  • Saint Joseph County Police 574-284-9611
  • Indiana State Police 574-546-9611
  • Notre Dame Security Police 574-631-5555
  • South Bend Police 574-235-9201
  • Mishawaka Police 574-258-1683
  • Saint Joseph County Prosecutor 574-235-9544
  • Roseland Police 574-272-6485


 Notification to the SMC Community about an Immediate Threat

Campus Safety, under the direction of the Vice President of Student Enrollment and Engagement is the first responding agency to campus emergencies. Incidents involving the need for widespread emergency notification such as Tornado Warnings and other immediate response incidents are issued by Campus Safety through the Blackboard-Connect-Ed time sensitive mass notification system comprising email, text and voice messaging to community members. Other types of emergencies are assessed and the Director of Campus Safety is contacted. In incidents where it is determined that a dangerous or emergency situation exists in which there is an immediate or continuing threat to the health or safety of some or all members of the SMC community an alert message will be sent by the Director of Campus Safety, the Vice President of Student Enrollment and Engagement or the Crisis Communications Team as identified in the “All Hazards Plan”. Depending on the severity of the incident other local, state or federal agencies may be called to assist.

Timely Warning Procedure

In an effort to provide timely notification to the Saint Mary’s College community and provide information concerning any serious incident or event that poses an on-going threat,  a crime alert message is sent to members of the Saint Mary's community via email message. The alerts are generally written by the Director of Campus Safety or his/her designee and are approved by the Vice President of Student Enrollment and Engagement. The Crime Alerts may be additionally posted on the Crime Alert page of the Security website or on flyers posted in residence hall locations and common areas of the campus identified in bold print to be Crime Alerts on colorful paper.


Crime Awareness and Campus Security

The College, in compliance with the Clery Act, publishes this information annually to provide students, faculty, staff and others with an overview of campus safety, fire safety, emergency response and notification ( both timely warnings and immediate danger)proedures, as well as other available services and resources. The Campus Safety department uses the FBI Uniform Crime Report (UCR) designations, Hate Crime Data Collection and the National Incident-Based Reporting System guidelines and queries local law enforcement agencies to gather statistical information on crime occurring on and immediately adjacent to the campus. The statistical information is included in this crime awareness site. Additional information pertaining to campus safety and programs can be obtained by contacting the Director of Campus Safety, the Director of Residence Life and Community Standards, or the Director of Human Resources. Disclosure of information regarding registered sex offenders can be obtained from the Indiana Sex and Violent Crime Registry at or to gain access to information about registered sex offenders in St. Joseph County, visit:

Copies of the employee manual are available for review in the Human Resources office.


Emergency Response

The Saint Mary’s College “All Hazards Response Plan” (condensed version) can be viewed at the Campus Safety Web site. The full version of the "All Hazards Response plan" which includes emergency action plans, plus evacuation and shelter in place procedures, can be viewed on the Saint Mary's College portal.  You can find the full plan in downloadable PDF. form by clicking on the orange Emergency Crisis Procedures link.  The College conducts numerous emergency response exercises each year which may include tabletop exercises, emergency notification system tests and drills. These tests are designed to assess and evaluate the emergency plans and capabilities of the institution.

Education of members of the SMC community

Campus safety and fire safety procedures are discussed during new student and new employee orientation programs. Campus safety, the Health & Counseling Center, Residence Life, BAVO (Belles Against Violence Office) and others from both on and off-campus partners coordinate and present numerous programs each year to students in residence halls on a variety of campus safety, crime prevention, fire safety, bystander intervention, health issues, alcohol and drug awareness programs and dating dangers to name some. Other programs of interest are encouraged and may be requested through hall directors. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to become familiar with policies, procedures, crime tips, crime prevention, fire safety, health safety and incident specific protocols found in the “All Hazards Plan” and to become a safe campus partner responsible for your own personal safety and the safety of others.

Missing Student Policy and Procedures

As a caring and concerned community, Saint Mary’s College strives to provide a safe environment. The College encourages well informed, safe, decision making. We understand the importance of quick action should a student be reported missing.

It is important that you keep the following in mind while conducting your daily routine:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings
  • Avoid traveling alone, especially at night, if possible
  • Be wary of strangers that approach you and try to keep a safe distance away
  • Never go off alone with someone you don’t know well
  • If you plan to meet someone that you don’t know well, do so in a public setting, arrive separately and let somebody know your whereabouts
  • Never give personal information such as where you live to someone you don’t know well

Important: We encourage you to share information with friends, family or hall staff when you are leaving campus. Sharing this information allows us to locate you should we need to.

Missing Student protocol: In the event a student is reported missing, Campus Safety should be notified immediately at 574-284-5000. Safety will respond to collect needed information, such as when, where and what time the missing student was last seen and a description of her clothing at that time. The Director of Campus Safety will be contacted and an attempt to locate the missing student will begin.

The Director of Campus Safety will contact the Vice President of Student Enrollment and Engagement. Emergency contact information, on file with Student Engagement and Residence Life,  for the missing student will be given to the Director of Campus Safety.


Steps Taken by Campus Safety and Administration:

  1. Local attempts to locate the missing student will be conducted through information gained from her/his friends.
  2. Emergency notification contact of the missing student’s family in a further attempt to locate the student will be done by the Dean of Students or Vice President of Student Enrollment and Engagement or his/her designee
  3. Contact with Saint Joseph County Police at 574-235-9611 will be made and a police missing persons report will be filed.
  4. Media Relations for the College will be advised of the missing student and all releases of information will be conducted through them.
  5. The Saint Mary’s College community will be informed of the missing student and requested to be on the lookout for him/her and to inform authorities if they found or believed spotted.
  6. The Director of Campus Safety will continue to exhaust all means possible to locate the missing student while continually communicating and coordinating efforts with the investigating agency. Updates will be given to Media Relations as they become available.


Sexual Assault

It is a fact that rape and sexual assault occur on college campuses across the country. The highest rate of victimization occurs within the 16 to 24 age group. Rape or sexual assault may involve a stranger as the assailant. More frequently, the assailant is an acquaintance. This acquaintance may be a date, a friend or someone you have just met in a class, through a mutual friend or at a party. Rape and sexual assault are unacceptable behaviors on campus, off campus or anywhere in the community.

A danger for all college women is the availability of "date rape" drugs. When added to alcohol or soft drinks, these drugs cannot be detected as they are colorless, odorless and tasteless. These drugs impair their victims and leave them vulnerable. If you feel any of the following, tell someone and get to a safe place immediately: disproportionately intoxicated to the amount of alcohol consumed; inability to stay awake/sudden drowsiness; confusion/impaired judgment; dizziness/poor motor coordination; slowed heart rate. Some individuals have experienced coma or seizures. Death can occur from these drugs. Do not leave your drink unattended and do not accept a drink from another person.


The best defenses against rape and sexual assault are planning, alertness and awareness. At all times, including dating situations, you should:

· Let a friend or roommate know with whom you will be, where you will be, and when you expect to return. Leave an address and phone number.

· Do not let peer pressure influence the amount of alcohol you consume. A study at a Big Ten university showed that 80 percent of men and 70 percent of women involved in sexual assaults had been drinking.

· Trust your feelings and instincts. If you feel threatened, there is probably a good reason. Get away fast.

· Report any assault or threat of assault to the Campus Security, the Saint Joseph County Police, or the appropriate law enforcement agency. 

· In selecting dating partners, be aware of a person who:

o Ignores your wishes.

o Becomes angry and hostile when you say “no”.

o Tries to make you feel guilty when you say “no”.

o Ignores your personal space boundaries.

o Is quick to show anger or aggression.

o Is excessively jealous or possessive.

o Doesn’t listen to what you say.

o Forces you to constantly ward off advances.

o Expresses hostile feelings.

· Your first few dates with any individual should be in public places. Always have an alternate way home.

Saint Mary's College is committed to maintaining an environment that provides education, support and timely information related to rape and sexual assault for all students, faculty and staff. The following is information on reporting procedures and support services.


What Can I Expect From the Saint Mary’s Campus Safety Department When I Report A Sexual Assault Or Rape?

  • When you report a sexual assault or rape to the Saint Mary's College Campus Safety, you will be cared for in a personal and private manner.
  • The officer will need some basic information about the incident, but you will not need to give details at this time. In an effort to protect you, we want to avoid having you repeat the incident unnecessarily.
  • The officer or the dispatcher will contact the Director of Campus Safety, Vice President of Student Enrollment and Engagement, and Title IX Coordinator who will determine how to respond.
  • If you are injured and need medical attention, you will be transported to the hospital of your choice for immediate care.
  • You will be asked if you would like to contact anyone (friend, family, counselor, SOS., etc.) or, if you prefer, we could contact someone for you.
  • The Campus Safety Officer will stay with you until the appropriate person arrives on campus to assist you.
  • The investigator or the Director of Campus Safety or Campus Safety Officer will take your report in confidence and explain your legal and medical options.
  • If you choose to prosecute, the Saint Joseph County Police will be contacted and the Title IX coordinator or Director of Campus Safety will assist the police department in the investigation.
  • Whether you choose to prosecute or not, it will be recommended that you complete a rape kit at the hospital, for future evidentiary use. This may be done under a "Jane Doe" alias, if you so wish, and should be completed as soon as possible after the assault. Never bathe or rinse your mouth out following an incident of this nature even though it will be the first thing you will want to do. Do not change or remove any clothing that you wore during or dressed in following the assault. This clothing may contain valuable evidence and will be collected at the hospital by trained staff. Any bedding or blankets that may contain evidence should be left in place to be collected by trained police investigators. If you are concerned about bedding evidence being lost or destroyed, you may collect it by folding it toward the center and placing the items in a paper bag or cardboard box.
  • The College is obligated by the Clery Act to post a timely warning for the College community should it be determined that there is a continuing threat to the college community. The warning will never mention your name and is necessary to alert the community (students, faculty and staff of Saint Mary's college) that a crime has occurred and to exercise extra caution at all times. This process of providing a timely warning as directed by the Clery Act is not in any way meant to humiliate or revictimize the victim. We sincerely commit to being factual and sensitive with your information.

Sexual Assault: Attempting or making sexual contact, including but not limited to inappropriate touching or fondling, with another against the person's will or in circumstances where the person is physically, mentally or legally unable to give consent.

Rape: Penetration, no matter how slight of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person without the consent of the victim. This definition includes any gender of victim or offender.  Sexual penetration means the penetration no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, or by a sex-related object.  This definition also includes instances in which the victim is incapable of giving consent because of temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (including due to the influence of drugs or alcohol) or because of age.  Physical resistance is not required on the part of the victim to demonstrate lack of consent.

Explicit Consent definition

Explicit Consent: Voluntary non coerced and clear communication indicating a willingness to engage in a particular act.  "Explicit consent" includes an affirmative verbal response or voluntary acts unmistakable in their meaning.

Remember: Most rapes and sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows! Reporting these crimes will not only help the victim in the healing process, but provide society with the ability to prosecute the offender, prevent further occurrences, and develop accurate statistics of this unfortunate reality.

You can expect to be treated with respect,  provided with options, and to be supported during this difficult time by all college staff.

Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking

Saint Mary's College has a zero tolerance policy for sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking.  Saint Mary's College has developed the Sexual Misconduct Policy that reaffirms its commitment to maintain a campus environment emphasizing the dignity and worth of all members of the College community.  Violence and abuse threaten the survivor's safety, well-being, and educational experience and affect every aspect of his/her life.  Furthermore, they are harmful to both the learning environment and the sense of community the College fosters among students, faculty, staff and administrators.  Saint Mary's College will not tolerate sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking.

In an ongoing effort to prevent sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking on the Saint Mary's College campus, the College provides education and prevention programs for the Saint Mary's community.  

Educational programming consists of primary prevention and awareness programs for all incoming students and new employees and ongoing awareness and prevention campaigns for students and employees that:

a. Identifies domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking as prohibited conduct.

b. Uses clear language, provided both by the Department of Education as well as state law, as to what behavior constitutes domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking;

c. Defines what behavior and actions constitute consent to sexual activity;

d. Provides a description of safe and positive options for bystander intervention. Bystander intervention explains actions that may be carried out by an individual or individuals to prevent harm or intervene when there is a risk of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. Bystander intervention includes recognizing situations of potential harm, understanding institutional structures and cultural conditions that facilitate violence, overcoming barriers to intervening, identifying safe and effective intervention options, and taking action to intervene;

e. Information on risk reduction. Risk reduction means options designed to decrease perpetration and bystander inaction, and to increase empowerment for victims in order to promote safety and to help individuals and communities address conditions that facilitate violence.

f. Provides an overview of information contained in the Annual Security Report in compliance with the Clery Act. 

The College is committed to fostering a community that promotes prompt report of violations of this policy as well as timely and fair adjudication of reported cases.

Saint Mary's provides support and advocacy services to survivors of violence and abuse to all Saint Mary's College students.

Additional information concerning residence life policies and procedure is available online or from the Director of Residence Life and Community Standards.

What can I expect from Saint Mary’s Campus Safety when I report Domestic Violence, Dating Violence or Stalking:

  • When you report an incident of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence or Stalking to the Saint Mary's College Campus Safety department, you will be cared for in a personal and private manner.
  • The officer will need some basic information about the incident, but you will not need to give details at this time. In an effort to protect you, we want to avoid having you repeat the incident unnecessarily.
  • The officer or the dispatcher will contact the Director of Campus Safety who will contact the Vice President of Student Enrollment and Engagement and the Title IX Coordinator to determine how to respond.
  • If you are injured and need medical attention, you will be transported to the hospital of your choice for immediate care.
  • You will be asked if you would like to contact anyone (friend, family, counselor, S.O.S. representative, etc.) or, if you prefer, we could contact someone for you.
  • The Campus Safety officer will stay with you until the appropriate person arrives.
  • The Director of Campus Safety and Title IX Coordinator will take your report in confidence and explain your legal and medical options.
  • If you choose to prosecute, the Saint Joseph County Police will be contacted and the Director of Campus Safety will assist the police department in the investigation.
  • The College is obligated by the Clery Act, to post a timely warning for the College community should it be determined that there is a continuing threat to the college community. The warning will never mention your name and is necessary to alert the community (students, faculty and staff of Saint Mary's college) that a crime has occurred and to exercise extra caution at all times. This process of providing a timely warning as directed by the Clery Act is not in any way meant to humiliate or revictimize the victim. We sincerely commit to being factual and sensitive with your information.

Domestic Violence means a felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed by:

  • a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim,
  • a person with whom the victim shares a child in common,
  • a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner,
  • a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies (under VAWA), or
  • any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person's acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction

Dating Violence means violence committed by a person:

who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on consideration of the following factors:

  • the length of the relationship
  • the type of relationship and
  • the frequency of interaction between the person involved in the relationship

Stalking means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to;

  • fear for his or her safety or the safety of others/ or
  • suffer substantial emotional distress


Options for Discipline and Legal Recourse if Alleged Assailant is a Member of the Saint Mary's College Community

If a student (complainant) has been the victim of an act of violence (including sexual offenses) allegedly committed by a Saint Mary's student, the complainant has two options. The report filed internally with the Campus Safety department will be investigated by the Title IX Coordinator or deputy.  The Title IX Coordinator or deputy will ask the complainant if she/he wishes to have internal disciplinary proceedings brought.

The disciplinary sanctions available, should a student be found to have engaged in an act of violence, are the same as those available for any other violation of college policies, up to and including dismissal from school.

A victim may also seek to file criminal charges through the local police and the St. Joseph County Prosecutor's Office. This process is initiated by contacting Saint Mary's College Campus Safety Department. If necessary, the appropriate police agency will be contacted. The safety  department will provide transportation and assistance to any student wishing to file criminal charges.


Victim's Rights with Respect to Saint Mary's College Internal Disciplinary Procedures and Criminal Prosecution

A victim of an act of violence can expect the following rights to be honored with respect to internal disciplinary procedures at Saint Mary's College and criminal prosecution:

  1. The right to have the allegation treated seriously and with care.
  2. The right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  3. The right to have the allegation investigated by the appropriate agency.
  4. The right to pursue any and all avenues of redress.
  5. The same right as the accused to have an advisor present at the disciplinary hearing. The advisor may not be a party to the case and must be a member of the Saint Mary's College community.
  6. The right to be notified of the outcome of the disciplinary hearing, both for the accuser and the accused.
  7. The right to be informed of all of the College's resources.
  8. The right to reasonable action by the College to prevent unnecessary contact with the accused.
  9. A student who has been the victim of an alleged sexual assault has the option to request a change in academic and living situations. These requests will be communicated to the vice president for student affairs and will be accommodated whenever possible within the scope of the College's policy and resources.

 College Response Measures

Saint Mary's College reserves the right to take whatever measures it deems necessary in response to an allegation of sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and stalking in order to protect students' rights and personal safety and the safety of the community.  Such measures include, but are not limited to, modification of living arrangements, interim suspension from campus pending a hearing, and reporting to the local authorities.  Not all forms of sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and stalking will be deemed to be equally serious offenses, and the College reserves the right to impose differing sanctions, ranging from verbal warning to suspension or expulsion, depending on the severity of the offense.  The College will consider the concerns and rights of both the complainant and the respondent.  The use of alcohol or other drugs will never function to excuse violations of this policy.

Options for Discipline and Legal Recourse if Alleged Assailant is a Member of the Notre Dame Community

Should the alleged assailant be a student at the University of Notre Dame, the victim may file a complaint with the University of Notre Dame Police Department. The Department of Residence Life and Housing at the University of Notre Dame will be notified and will pursue on-campus disciplinary charges through Notre Dame's internal disciplinary process.

To pursue criminal charges, contact should first be made with the Saint Mary's College safety department. The department will assist the student to contact the St. Joseph County Prosecutor's Office and the appropriate police agency (the St. Joseph County Sheriff's Department, South Bend City Police Department, Roseland Police Department, Mishawaka Police Department, Notre Dame Police Department or the Indiana State Police).

No one should be forced, coerced or manipulated into unwanted sexual activity. Sometimes acquaintance rape is a pattern for the assailant. Victims are always encouraged to report information. In this way, appropriate steps can be taken to determine whether a pattern exists and to deter future assaults. However, the decision to report an incident rests with the victim. No member of administration or faculty can or will force a student into any specific course of action.

If a Saint Mary's student is the victim of a sexual assault and is pursuing disciplinary action through the University of Notre Dame, she may contact the Saint Mary's TItle IX Coordinator or deputy for assistance. The coordinator will provide the student with information and assistance in following steps involved in the University of Notre Dame judicial process. In addition, a student may also receive assistance from a resource person for victims of sexual assault at the University of Notre Dame. The resource person can be contacted through the Office of Residence Life and Housing at the University of Notre Dame, 631-5551.

Options for Discipline and Legal Recourse if Alleged Assailant is a Member of the Holy Cross College Community

Should the alleged assailant be a student at the Holy Cross College, the victim may file a complaint with the Saint Joseph County Police. The Department of Residence Life and Housing at Holy Cross College will be notified and will pursue on-campus disciplinary charges through their internal disciplinary process.

To pursue criminal charges, contact should first be made with the Saint Mary's College Campus Safety department. The department will assist the student to contact the St. Joseph County Prosecutor's Office and the appropriate police agency (the St. Joseph County Sheriff's Department, South Bend City Police Department, Roseland Police Department, Mishawaka Police Department, Notre Dame Police Department or the Indiana State Police).

No one should be forced, coerced or manipulated into unwanted sexual activity. Sometimes acquaintance rape is a pattern for the assailant. Victims are always encouraged to report information. In this way, appropriate steps can be taken to determine whether a pattern exists and to deter future assaults. However, the decision to report an incident rests with the victim. No member of administration or faculty can or will force a student into any specific course of action.

If a Saint Mary's student is the victim of a sexual assault and is pursuing disciplinary action through the University of Notre Dame or Holy Cross College, she may contact the Saint Mary's Title IX Coordinator or deputy for assistance. The coordinator will provide the student with information and assistance in following steps involved in either the University of Notre Dame or Holy Cross College judicial process. In addition, a student may also receive assistance from a resource person for victims of sexual assault at the University of Notre Dame or Holy Cross College. The resource person can be contacted through the Office of Residence Life and Housing at the University of Notre Dame, 631-5551 or Holy Cross College Title IX Coordinator (call 574-239-8349 or e-mail  In addition, all members of the College community may report actual or threatened retaliation to Holy Cross Campus Safety by calling 239-8312.


Support Services

Should a Saint Mary's student be the victim of rape or sexual assault, the following several steps are important in beginning the process of recovery:

B.A.V.O. (Belles Against Violence Office) - At Saint Mary's College, the Belles Against Violence Office provides programming for students on sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking.  The BAVO office also provides support services to survivors of sexual violence.

Campus Ministry - The trauma of rape or sexual assault often causes a student to doubt herself/himself, others, and God. Rape or assault calls into question issues of trust and heightens her/his feelings of fear. The members of Campus Ministry are available to provide a safe place to listen and discuss the incident, to offer referrals and accompany the survivor if she/he wishes, and to provide the opportunity for spiritual healing during this very difficult time. The Campus Ministry staff respects confidentiality.

Health and Counseling Center- Because the experience of rape and sexual assault involves a sense of powerlessness, loss of control, and traumatic violence, licensed professional counselors work to provide each student with a safe, calm and confidential environment. The survivor can expect the counselor to listen, be understanding, be patient, and help the student to know it was not her/his fault. Adequate time will be provided for talking through her/his experience and concerns. The student will be encouraged to set her/his own pace in this process. Some students wait a long time before they tell any one about their assault. Students will receive the same care and support whether the assault happened yesterday or last year.

The need for medical attention is important. Counselors will discuss the importance of physical well-being and the benefit of immediate medical care for sexual assault. The survivor will receive assistance in arranging these services and in accessing transportation, and will be encouraged to have a friend or counseling staff member accompany her/him.

A counselor will support the survivor's need to regain control of her/his life by letting her/him make medical, reporting and notification decisions. Because working through options takes time, continued support will be available through ongoing meetings with the survivor's counselor. Decision-making and recovery are a process. The timetable is different for each person. Throughout the process, students will be encouraged to develop and use personal sources of emotional support via trusted friends and family as well as Saint Mary's offices of Campus Ministry, Residence Life and other individuals she/he selects.

All students are encouraged to report incidents to the Saint Mary’s Campus Safety Department. A counselor offers assistance in making arrangements to file a report and will accompany the student to the meeting if she/he wishes. The Women's Health staff does not file a formal detailed report with the College at the time of the event. Rather, the counselor maintains the student's communication as confidential, as required by Indiana state statute, and encourages the student to report the incident directly.

Residence Life – A campus Hall Director is always on call. The resident advisors and the front desk staff in each hall are aware which hall director is on-call. In the event a resident advisor or front desk staff member at a residence hall is told or becomes aware of an act of violence, she will contact the Title IX Coordinator immediately.

In the instance of a sexual assault or other emergency situation, the hall director will request an ambulance if needed. It is the policy of Saint Mary's Campus Safety to dispatch an ambulance whenever one is requested. 

The hall director or resident advisor is available to accompany a student to the hospital at the request of the student.


Emergency (Police, Fire, Medical)


Security (24 hours)


Student Affairs


Residence Life


Health and Counseling Center


Campus Ministry


Human Resources


Sex Offense Services (S.O.S.) Crisis Line


S.O.S. Office line (Open 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.)


Saint Joseph Medical Center



Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO)




Substance Abuse

The Higher Education Act 120(A) - (D) requires that institutions of higher education adopt and implement programs to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees.

Indiana state law prohibits those who are under 21 years of age from buying, consuming or possessing alcoholic beverages. Only those students who are 21 years of age or older are permitted to possess or consume alcohol on the campus.

The College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, sale or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances without a prescription on campus. Violation of this policy is handled according to guidelines set forth in the student code of conduct or employee handbooks and will result in disciplinary action as well as possible legal consequences.

Students or employees seeking information or assistance with an alcohol or drug-related problems may consult staff members of the Health and Counseling Center, Residence Life, or Campus Ministry. College employees can receive assistance through the College's Employee Assistance Program with complete assurance of confidentiality and concern.


Weapons (Firearms)

The possession, carrying, and use of firearms, ammunition or other dangerous weapons or explosives is prohibited on College-owned or controlled property. The only exception is for Campus Safety department officers authorized by the College or on duty law enforcement personnel. Failure to comply with the College's policy will result in disciplinary action up to expulsion and termination as set forth in the student and employee handbook, as well as possible legal recourse.


Student and Staff Responsibility

The Campus Safety Department maintains a "Together for a Safe Campus" program. To make our campus as safe as possible, the entire campus community's cooperation and involvement in this program is absolutely necessary. Students, faculty, and staff must assume responsibility for their own safety and for the security of their personal belongings:

  • Valuable items should be marked and the description and serial number recorded on the property inventory form contained in the safety department's "Protect Your Property" brochure.
  • Students should always lock their room door when the room is not occupied and always after dark and throughout the night.
  • Bicycles must be registered with the safety and security department and secured with a sturdy lock.
  • Those students with cars must register them with the Campus Safety department and park them in student parking areas. Students should also keep their vehicles locked with valuables out of sight.
  • Students and College employees should immediately report to the Campus Safety department any unusual incidents or suspicious individuals who do not seem to belong in campus buildings or on campus grounds.
  • Students should attend all education programs designed to help protect each community member from being victimized.
  • Individuals are strongly encouraged to use the Campus Safety department's escort service on campus and the inter-campus shuttle bus service after dark. The stranded student program is also available if a student fears for her safety off campus and does not have the means to get back to campus safely.
  • I.C.E. program: Emergency responders nationally are trained to search for emergency contact information on victims of crime or accidents. It is recommended that you enter contact information, on your cell phone, under the name of I.C.E. or carry documentation, at all times, indicating who you would like contacted in an emergency.