Extreme Terrain Scholarship

Area of Study: 
Environmental Studies
Essay contests description: 
Students should submit a 700 – 1500 word essay to scholarships@extremeterrain.com that describes who you are, why you feel it is important to maintain access to public lands for recreational use and how you plan to use your degree to advocate for the recreational use of public lands. Essays should be submitted as a PDF or Microsoft Word document to be eligible for consideration and must also be accompanied with proof of current enrollment in an accredited United States college or university.
Application Deadline: 
Scholarship Amount: 
Optional description: 
  • The goal of the ExtremeTerrain Scholarship program is to raise more awareness for the recreational use of public lands as it is an important issue to us at ExtremeTerrain and our customers. At the same time we support youth who are working towards a career in the environmental/recreational land use planning/land management industry, which in larger supports the movement to maintain recreational access to public lands. ExtremeTerrain places an emphasis on community awareness and environmental awareness and supports those who hold the same value system.