Events and Department Life
The SL(3,C) weight diagram for
root (2,0) with the convex hull of
the Weyl orbit.
Math Club
The Mathematics Club sponsors activities for mathematics majors and others who are interested in mathematics. A student chapter of the Mathematical Association of America, the club brings in speakers, plans social activities, and honors a graduating senior with the Peer Recognition Award. Annually, the club devotes one of its meetings to a program in which a panel of members share their internship experiences of the previous summer. Although the Club has a faculty advisor, Professor Ranjan Rohatgi, initiative for activities and programs comes from the students. The Math Club is open to all interested students.
Pi Mu Epsilon
Indiana Epsilon is the Saint Mary's College chapter of the mathematics national honor society Pi Mu Epsilon. Academic excellence in mathematics is the main requirement for induction into this society. This chapter helps enrich the academic experience of all mathematics majors, as well as those in the larger Saint Mary's and local communities. The activities and programs are planned and carried out by the chapter members in consultation with the faculty advisor, Professor Joanne Snow. The chapter and the Math Club collaborate on some activities. Website of the National Organization