The Major

Our book club style immersion in the works of the past is combined with cutting-edge preparation in digital media through the use of e-portfolios and project-based learning. As such, we prepare our graduates for a wide variety of careers, including consulting, teaching, law, business, and museum or library work. Recent graduates have been employed as Director of Entrepreneur Programs, Better Business Bureau (Phoenix, AZ), Business Analyst and Innovation Consultant for the City of South Bend, and Program Administrator at the Irish International Immigrant Center (Boston, MA). Graduate studies in public history, law, digital humanities, library science, public health communications, education, and public policy are just a few of the kinds of programs enrolling HUST alumnae.

Majors take four sets of paired courses to complete their degree: 321/323, 322/324, 461/463, and 462/464. Minoring in HUST is also easy to do. You just need three 100- or 200-level courses and two upper-division courses taken in the tandems listed above. If you have already decided on another major, it’s not too late! Our major can be combined with almost any subject at Saint Mary’s as a double major, from business or history to psychology, art, or even biology or math. With careful planning, you can even double major while studying abroad. If you already know you want a HUST major, you can start it as early as your sophomore year. See our Four-Year Plans to explore the possibilities.

Five Reasons HUST is the Major for Life

  1. HUST majors meet daily for two years with the same cohort of students, forming friendships for life in a powerful alumnae network and connected through our LinkedIn and Facebook groups.
  2.  Students develop advanced analytical, communication, and media skills that make them adaptable to a rapidly changing economy, able to pursue multiple careers over the arc of their working lives.
  3. The broad-based education in multiple disciplines provides a strong foundation for lifelong learning and personal fulfillment.
  4. Majors use their knowledge of world cultures to deepen their experiences wherever they travel and whatever they read for the rest of their lives.
  5. They make an investment with lifelong returns: The real investment comes in learning how to think, and the student who has chosen a major based on what she loves has increased the value of that investment.

Unique opportunities for a HUST major

  • Fully-funded cultural trips to Chicago art museums and theaters

  • HUST-specific scholarships for research or travel abroad during the summer

  •  Personal interaction with major figures in the humanities through the Christian Culture Lecture

  • Free departmental social and cultural events in the South Bend area

Humanistic Studies Majors in Graduate School (2007-2017)

HUST graduates in grad school


Humanistic Studies Alumnae Careers (2007-2017)

humanistic studies alumnae career paths graph