Summer Session Financial Aid

  • Aid from the Federal Government
    • Students eligible for a Federal Pell Grant during the Spring and Fall semesters might be eligible for a Pell grant in the summer. To check eligibility, students should submit a Summer Aid Application to the Financial Aid Office.
    • Students enrolled at last half-time in the summer might be eligible for some Federal Direct Student Loan.  To be considered, students should submit a Summer Aid Application to the Financial Aid Office.
  • Aid from the State of Indiana
    • A student who is eligible for Indiana grants might be able to use some of her grant in the summer if she plans on graduating in less than 4 years. Interested students should apply
  • Aid from Saint Mary’s College
    • Merit scholarships, need-based grants and tuition exchange awards are not available to undergraduate students in the summer.
    • Students eligible for Dependent Tuition Remission through either Saint Mary’s College or the University of Notre Dame could receive tuition remission for up to 3 credits during the summer. Parents must contact the Human Resources office at their institution to confirm eligibility for the summer tuition remission.